Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?Yes, acupuncture is a safe therapy for all stages of pregnancy. Astra Health specialises in pregnancy acupuncture, and are trained to know which acupuncture points are helpful during pregnancy and which points should be avoided.
Does acupuncture help with morning sickness?An Australian study of women in early pregnancy found those who received acupuncture treatments for four weeks experienced less nausea and dry retching than women who didn’t receive acupuncture treatments.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Joint injuries
Rheumatoid arthritis
Tennis elbow
Conditions we treat:
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Joint injections are typically a combination of a steroid with a local anaesthetic or a viscosupplement. These injections are administered into an affected joint, to alleviate pain, inflammation or stiffness.
At Astra Health, we offer several different types of joint injections:
Steroid injections: steroid injections contain a corticosteroid medication, such as prednisolone or triamcinolone. These injections can be very effective in reducing inflammation and pain in conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and bursitis. They are usually administered in conjunction with a local anaesthetic, to provide comfort during the procedure.
Ultrasound-guided injections: these specialist injections use ultrasound imaging to guide the injection into the joint. This precise technique can be more accurate than blind injections and can help ensure that the medication is delivered to the correct location in the joint.
Ostenil and Durolane: Ostenil and Durolane are both viscosupplements, which are substances similar to the natural lubricating fluid found in joints. These injections can help restore joint function and reduce pain in conditions such as osteoarthritis.
These viscosupplements are injected directly into the space in the joint which contains the synovial fluid and can work towards restoring the normal balance in the affected area.
Joint injections
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11 Repton Avenue
TN23 3RX