Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?Yes, acupuncture is a safe therapy for all stages of pregnancy. Astra Health specialises in pregnancy acupuncture, and are trained to know which acupuncture points are helpful during pregnancy and which points should be avoided.
Does acupuncture help with morning sickness?An Australian study of women in early pregnancy found those who received acupuncture treatments for four weeks experienced less nausea and dry retching than women who didn’t receive acupuncture treatments.
Achillies tendinopathy
Golfer's and tennis elbow
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Tendinopathy of hip, knee, shoulder & elbow
Conditions we treat:
Why choose Astra Health?
20+ years of experience
High standards of care
Specialists in rehabilitative physiotherapy
Friendly staff
Award-winning team
4.8/5 rating on Google
Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive treatment in which a device is used to pass acoustic shockwaves at a set frequency through the skin to the affected area. It is purely a mechanical wave, not an electric one. Shockwave is an accepted intervention in the UK and treatment may provide pain relief for chronic tendinopathies.
The treatment initiates a pro-inflammatory response in the affected tissue that is being treated. The body responds by increasing the blood circulation and metabolism in the affected area which accelerates the body’s own healing processes. The shockwaves can break down injured tissues and calcifications. As a result of cellular tissue micro-trauma, it can provide a temporarily analgesic effect on afferent nerves providing immediate pain relief, known as ‘hyper-stimulation anaesthesia’.
The painful area is located by palpation. The treatment is delivered via a compressed air impulse through a handheld piece attached to the shockwave machine. The shockwave radiates out through the head into the affected area. Contact gel will be applied to the skin to improve the transmission of the shockwave.
Shockwave therapy stimulates and supports the body’s self-healing mechanisms. EWST is a non-invasive treatment modality- there are no medications such as cortisone or surgery involved. There are no major safety concerns associated with EWST. It is common to have some immediate pain relief and studies have shown positive outcomes in approximately 70% of cases. It is included in the NICE guidelines for the management of refractory (chronic) tendinopathies involving conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy and tennis elbow but can be used for most common tendinopathies.
Shockwave therapy
Clinic Address
11 Repton Avenue
TN23 3RX